Powerless or Powerful


Spotting the Differences Between Two Very Different Types of Teams

Ever worked somewhere where teamwork and communication are about as dysfunctional as can be? Working in this type of environment is never easy, and it’s harmful to your business.

It’s harmful because when communication, expectations, and trust are lacking from your company culture, it affects retention, productivity, customer service, and revenue.

In this type of environment, what you end up with are ‘Powerless Teams.’

When you create a POWERLESS TEAM…you create a group of people, who are afraid to think for themselves for fear of making a mistake.

You can spot a powerless team from a mile away…

  • A powerless team feels a lack of trust and respect from upper management.
  • Management doesn’t feel that the team is smart enough to understand the goals or objectives, so they are given projects in piece meal to simply complete tasks.
  • They have no idea what is expected of them, so in many cases, they fall short of completing tasks in a way that management finds acceptable.

A powerless team lives in a confrontational environment. Drama and tension are norms in a powerless team. Infighting is the norm, and HR spends a lot of time managing employee issues, and productivity suffers.

  • A powerless team doesn’t understand accountability because they have no skin in the game.
  • They show up to collect a paycheck. How can they be accountable for anything when management doesn’t trust them enough to share the goals and objectives?
  • A powerless team watches celebrations from afar. Management takes the credit for wins and excludes the very team that may have worked to make the win happen.
  • They must fight for themselves, so there is no loyalty to other teammates or the company.

When communication is at the top of its game, teams understand expectations, accountability, and take responsibility. Keeping people engaged and productive in this type of environment is much easier.

You can see a difference in how your customers are serviced and taken care of and revenue is a direct result of a ‘Powerful Team.’

When you create a POWERFUL TEAM…you create a healthy team who not only think outside the box but who have a real interest in creating a successful company.

Powerful teams are easy to spot too…

  • Powerful teams take part with management, in communicating goals and objectives within the company.
  • They have clear expectations of what is needed, and there is total buy-in.
  • Powerful teams never work in an environment of confrontation.
  • They instill and support open conversation and communication.
  • Management encourages communication to eliminate issues and to find solutions together.

Powerful teams hold themselves accountable. Deadlines and projects are important to them. They take ownership in the process.

  • Powerful teams win and lose together.
  • They celebrate their wins and work hard to understand their loses.
  • They protect from the inside out.
  • They understand outside threats and ban together as a team to protect the company.

Powerful teams protect the business and each other from the inside out. You can’t protect a business from outside threats when you’re too busy fighting internal ones.

Leadership Guidance Review:

Look at your team and ask yourself some of the questions above. How do you see your team? Are you an empowering leader?

Empowering Leaders share the vision, mission, and expectations with their team. You hired them for a reason, give them the tools they need to show you what they can do. Encourage them to communicate when problems arise or when they have questions. Guide and mentor them to higher levels. Inspire them to want to learn more, take responsibility.

People don’t leave jobs…they leave bosses!